Legal-Ease: Guilt by association and felony murder

In the legal world, the question of whether everyone involved in a crime is as guilty as the “trigger man” involves a careful analysis. In the state of Ohio, guilt by association is addressed by a legal concept referred to as “felony murder.” 

To be guilty of murder in the state of Ohio, a person must have acted intentionally. Murder requires that someone was killed on purpose, which is different from the requirements for other homicides. 

Legal-Ease: Murder, manslaughter or homicide?

The terms murder, manslaughter and homicide can be confusing, especially since in the state of Ohio the terms used to describe deaths of people caused by others are different from the terms that are used under federal law and other states. Classifications of deaths that are caused by other people are usually organized by the mental state of the person who caused the death as well as the circumstances that surround the death.