Legal-Ease: Gratitude is never illegal and always helpful

Analyzing a situation with a perspective of gratitude helps us gain peace of mind. In some instances, it also more effectively resolve disputes or puts challenges behind us. Generally, a client is grateful for the work an attorney does, and an attorney is grateful for a client. But gratitude can help individuals get through disputes or legal situations that would normally seem to cause anger or confusion.

Legal-Ease: Value of LLC documents beyond state filings

An LLC can be a straightforward way for a group of people to collectively benefit from certain legal protections. Filing with the state of Ohio can be done without an attorney and is not complicated. But many specific instances are not covered by the basics, and must be established in a document called an “operating agreement.

Legal-Ease: Co-owning and separating real estate

A “partition” is the specific type of lawsuit designed for splitting up co-owned real estate. But you can avoid this lawsuit by managing co-ownership with a few other options. Creating an LLC, a limited liability company, may not seem like it has much to do with real estate but it will help establish guidelines for multiple owners. A shared ownership agreement can also be used to manage conflict.

Legal-Ease: Filling gaps in contracts

Contracts contain varying degrees of specificity. Sometimes, leaving out important terms and conditions makes the contract unenforceable as a whole. In many cases, though, the law will fill the gaps with what is considered “reasonable.” While this practice may seem obvious, it can be hard to determine what “reasonable” actually looks like in each case. Determining reasonableness is often analyzed by looking at three key circumstances and contexts.

Legal-Ease: Negligence and liability

Negligence and liability are terms that we hear all the time. In most real-world legal situations, such as where damage to property occurs, liability may not solely fall onto one party. Negligent behavior helps us figure out who is liable, so what if both parties have been acting with negligence to varying degrees? Situations can become complex.

Legal-Ease: Learning about public records

Public records are often discussed in our society; public records are the records kept by any public office. The general public can review the records kept by the state, county, city, village, townships as well as school districts.

There are certain records that aren’t considered public records, though. Medical records are generally not considered to be public records. Businesses that apply for tax abatements based upon their technology are offered privacy for their technology’s character and description. Home addresses for public employees who may face retribution as part of their jobs are generally afforded the ability to keep their addresses secret. Other instances exist where records are not considered to be public.

Legal-Ease: Ohio’s dog laws have real bite

Dogs are ubiquitous in northwest Ohio, and every dog needs a license. Dog kennels must also be licensed. These fees are collected not to be a moneymaker for the state, but rather for the administration of the dog registration and protection process.

Ohio law requires that every dog is supervised and controlled by its owner or the person who is responsible for the dog’s conduct. Additional duties are placed on the owner if the dog falls into the category of nuisance dog, dangerous dog or vicious dog based upon its past behavior.