Legal-Ease: Thinking like a lawyer

Thinking like a lawyer requires analyzing situations in the context of laws and deciding whether they do or do not apply to that particular situation. To think like a lawyer requires four main attributes: separating situations into distinct parts, thinking without emotion, using logic, and analyzing situations from different perspectives.

Legal-Ease: Federal and state courts

Our legal system is made up of many different courts, in which different decisions are made and different cases are heard. Each federal district court and circuit court has its own requirements for attorney admission, including fees, tests and references.

Legal-Ease: Questions on legal ethics

Some actions taken by attorneys may some disingenuous or contrary to the idea of ethics, but several less-known rules governing attorney behavior can sometimes help to explain their behavior.

Legal-Ease: How long will it take

A number of factors play into how long a client’s legal work will take, and how much it will end up costing them. The attention to detail required in legal documents, the myriad of tasks an attorney must perform, getting approval and submitting filings can all play a factor in how long your case can take.

Legal-Ease: Can I just prepare legal documents online?

In almost every situation, the “non-legal, legal” services that are offered online are generic and vague. Also, these online forms can hurt your business and financial objectives because they don’t take your specific needs into consideration.

Legal-Ease: Misperceptions of attorney attitudes

Lawyers are often given a bad reputation from portrayals on television or in movies. Lawyer jokes frequently fly in social situations, and this week Lee would like to help dispel the bad rap that attorneys often get.

Law is structured to be a very personal practice, which is why many law firms are named after attorneys who started the practice. Clients should know which attorneys are working for them, and law firms in Ohio are required to use at least one of the attorneys’ names in the name of the law firm.

Legal-Ease: Hiring attorney often a value-added proposition

When you hire an attorney, you’re hiring someone to not only follow your advice, but also someone who will think, analyze and advise to help ensure that the best possible decisions are being made for you. In addition to following your wishes, your attorney will be exercising his own professional judgments.