Medicaid eligibility planning is a very specific aspect of law. Basic estate planning, such as wills, trusts and the like, rarely include planning for Medicaid.
Tag Archives: Attorneys
Legal-Ease: Lawyers’ mistakes and malpractice
Legal professionals represent one of the types of employment where mistakes may be considered malpractice. If an attorney commits malpractice, sometimes a client can be entitled to monetary compensation.
Legal-Ease: Different states, different laws
It should be apparent to anyone who travels or follows the news that different states have different laws. Participants in a transaction or contract can actually outline which state’s law will apply to disputes that arise over their agreement.
Legal-Ease: Patience, title insurance pay off in the long run
Rushing through the paperwork for business and legal transactions can create pitfalls down the road. While mistakes can happen whenever someone is not diligent and deliberate, certain situations foster the urgency to complete paperwork as quickly as possible.
Legal-Ease: Asset distribution plans require thought
Deciding how to distribute assets among loved ones upon death may seem straightforward. In practice, it quickly becomes clear that it is not so simple.
Legal-Ease: Business ownership succession usually includes a plan
Every business should be prepared for when the current leader or leaders leave, for whatever reason. Proper planning allows a business to retain it’s industry experience, despite losing top personnel.
Legal-Ease: I lost a loved one; now what?
The first step to saying goodbye to a family member involves taking your time to suitably grieve and be together with family and friends. One of the practicalities following a loved one passing away is hiring an attorney to help sort through and change ownership of assets.
Legal-Ease: Important documents and where to keep them
Over time, most of us accumulate a variety of important legal documents. Birth certificates, vehicle titles, social security cards, wills, deeds to real estate, life insurance policies, tax returns and other various records begin to pile up. Some of these can be easily replaced. For others, the original holds special legal value and should be kept secure.
Legal-Ease: Common business documents explained
Changes in business ownership or relationships will require a selection of documents that help outline the details.
Legal-Ease: Medicaid and marriage
Most of us will not know if or when we may need long-term care. Protecting family financial legacies while receiving Medicaid is complex.