Legal-Ease: Components of a good farmland lease

Many landlords and tenants could benefit from better farmland leases. Sometimes, the seemingly simple act of defining each party may be more complex than one assumes.

More complicated agreements such as “hybrid leases,” which contain elements of cash rent and crop-share, rely on formulating payments based on yield and crop prices. Other basic items such as lease duration or payment schedule could create pitfalls if both parties have not clearly established them. A good farmland lease will address these concerns, among others.

Legal-Ease: Becoming and remaining business partners

Adding owners to a business venture will almost always require considerations beyond just legal ownership. A variety of “non-legal” issues may include time allocation, value of each individual’s work and other relationships.

It is important to evaluate these considerations and effectively work the “non-legal” aspects into the business documents. This includes updating an entity’s operational requirements, adopting a new resolution, updating bills of sale and more.

Legal-Ease: Long documents a tradition that protect clients

Historically, meaningless words were added to legal documents to puff them up. It is now a cliché that attorneys prepare very long documents, even with all of the extra fluff removed. Legal documents are lengthy because short and simple contracts can leave clients unprotected and work against their interests.

Legal-Ease: Value of LLC documents beyond state filings

An LLC can be a straightforward way for a group of people to collectively benefit from certain legal protections. Filing with the state of Ohio can be done without an attorney and is not complicated. But many specific instances are not covered by the basics, and must be established in a document called an “operating agreement.

Legal-Ease: Federal and state courts

Our legal system is made up of many different courts, in which different decisions are made and different cases are heard. Each federal district court and circuit court has its own requirements for attorney admission, including fees, tests and references.

Legal-Ease: Mothers-in-law are mothers, too

Legal disputes between in-laws are unfortunate, but can occur – and if the dispute makes it all the way to the courthouse, odds are that there will ultimately be no winners. But making end-of-life care and other important life decisions in writing now can make things smoother later in life.

Legal-Ease: Judge or jury?

Depending on the charges being argued, court cases are either determined in front of a judge or a jury. While people accused of crimes against society are nearly always entitled to a jury trial, not all decisions are made by juries – judges have a lot of leeway in determining what evidence can be admitted, the interpretation of written documents, and other important decisions.

Legal-Ease: do I need a survey?

Transferring ownership of land can be time consuming, costly and complicated. While surveying in the early days of our country was done with less precision than today, the various uses of a piece of property might still necessitate that a new survey be conducted.

Legal-Ease: Can I just prepare legal documents online?

In almost every situation, the “non-legal, legal” services that are offered online are generic and vague. Also, these online forms can hurt your business and financial objectives because they don’t take your specific needs into consideration.