Legal-Ease: Can I legally play ‘Queen of Hearts’?

Ohio bars and restaurants frequently run “Queen of Hearts” games and people have the opportunity to win hundreds of thousands of dollars. Lottery games are allowed in Ohio because money is given to schools. Charities and religious organizations can raise money from games such as Bingo. Games of chance are typically not lawful unless there is skill associated with the game of chance.

So, are Queen of Hearts games illegal? Ohio law allows for games of chance if the manager of the game makes no money in the game, among several other requirements.

Every few weeks in the news, an Ohio bar, restaurant or pub announces that someone has won hundreds of thousands of dollars in a “Queen of Hearts” game, as that specific type of playing card games have come to be known.

Most of us understand that the Ohio lottery, Powerball and Mega-Millions lottery games are allowed because money earned is given to schools. We recognize that charitable and religious organizations can manage and earn money from games of chance, such as Bingo.

Read more about games of chance such as Queen of Hearts in Lee’s article in the Lima News here: Legal-Ease: Can I legally play ‘Queen of Hearts’?

Source:, “Legal-Ease: Can I legally play ‘Queen of Hearts’?,” by Lee R. Schroeder, August 24, 2019

Lee R. Schroeder is an Ohio licensed attorney at Schroeder Law LLC in Putnam County. He limits his practice to business, real estate, estate planning and agriculture issues in northwest Ohio. He can be reached at or at 419-659-2058. This article is not intended to serve as legal advice, and specific advice should be sought from the licensed attorney of your choice based upon the specific facts and circumstances that you face.

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